- Lives in McKenzie Lake
- Babysits in Copperfield, Cranston, Douglasdale Glen, Downtown East Village, McKenzie Lake, McKenzie Towne, New Brighton
- Gender Female
- Age 50 years old
- Hourly Rate 12
- Babysitter Course
- First Aid Training
- CPR Certified
Hi there! My name is Cindy Yu, and I’m a LINC ( Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) Instructor at CIWA ( Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association). I enjoy teaching immigrant women English and empowering them to have a better life in Canada.I love children and my son is 15 already. I miss those days when he was a little boy. Therefore, I would enjoy taking care of kids at my leisure time and getting paid. I’m Chinese Canadian. I speak Mandarin and English. I’m a Youth Justice graduate, and I’m a certified childcare worker. I have experience in looking after both normal children and children in special needs. I believe respect is a must between people and love should have no borders. I’m looking forward to babysitting your children with respect and love! Sincerely, Cindy P.S. I’m available on weekends and Mondays, and all evenings except Thursdays.