- Lives in Rundle
- Babysits in Abbeydale, Albert Park-Radisson Heights, Applewood Park, Marlborough, Marlborough Park, Pineridge, Rundle, Temple, Whitehorn
- Gender Female
- Age 23 years old
- Hourly Rate 5/hour
- Babysitter Course
- First Aid Training
- CPR Certified
Hi my name is Mona kaddour I’m thirteen years old, I have three sisters and one brother. I like to read books,play soccer and listen to music. The training I received is the Canadian Red Cross Babysitting Course-caring for babies, toddlers,preschoolers, and school-aged children; developing leadership skills; creating a safe environment; and handling emergencies and giving first aid, also I took the CPR ‘E’ workshop, wish is basically giving CPR, and giving a Heimlich maneuver. I have experience in babysitting toddlers as well as grade school kids.
References: Abir hammoud